iCatcher! Podcast Player
If you get ongoing value from iCatcher, then please consider the Tip Jar in the help and settings tab or tell your friends about the app. Thank you New Stuff v9.0.1 - Watch episodes that have chapters show an indicator (speaker icon) which chapter is currently playing. Also added artwork to those chapters if they have artwork. v9.0 -Support for the latest iOS icon variations - Updated car play buttons. Added next/previous to the available buttons -Watch updates. New global playback rate option. New manual sorting option for episodes on downloaded to the watch. Drag to reorder. Bug Fixes v9.0.2 -Fix for watch podcast search -Fix for watch showing selected chapter for phone playback v9.0.1 -Fix for blurry artwork. Previous fix didn't fix all scenarios -Fix for high cpu usage after a refresh causing crashes v9.0 -Fix for playlist crash when the playlist uses a podcast category keyword -Fix for editing podcast settings -Fix for CarPlay disabled buttons. -Fix for blurry artwork -Numerous other fixes View the Settings tab, What’s New to view past updates Follow me on x @joeisanerd and mastodon joeisanerd@techhub.social