

Fehlerbehebungen und Verbesserungen.

9,99 €


If heists, dragons, and treasure sound like the perfect way to spend the holidays, then you’re in luck! Our latest update for Clank! Digital is here, featuring a new addition and a treasure trove of bug fixes. Time to sharpen those blades, polish those boots, and test your luck! New Features & Improvements Introducing the Skip Replay feature! * Now you can jump straight to the present when rejoining an online game, without having to watch the replay of what happened while you were away. Bug Fixes * Players in Live lobbies should now be removed when they accept an invite to another live game. * Players should no longer be able to interact with main menu buttons while the Friend’s Menu is open, preventing misclicks. * Extra Dragon attacks (from things like Mister Whiskers or the Countdown Track) should now properly add gold to cards in the Dungeon Row in Gold Fever. * Improved visibility of gold values on cards in the Gold Fever Challenge. * Tutorial prompts should no longer be overlapped by cards in the dungeon row. * The AI’s gold should now calculate correctly at the end of the game. Previously, the AI could gain extra during scoring if they had cards which generated gold. * Fixed non-English localization for inventory tool tip. * Heist Close Call modifier should now update your potential score during play. This was a visual issue only and did not impact actual scores. * Belcher’s defeat popup now correctly displays the Clank! received. This was a visual issue only and did not affect the Clank! players were receiving. * Discard pile’s title should now display correctly if automatically selected by trash modal. * Enabling Fast Mode should no longer affect tutorial games. * Clarified hinting of the wraparound tunnel in the tutorial. * Tunnel monsters should now auto-select in later portions of the tutorial if you have the related toggle on. * Removed redundant tutorial prompt explaining minus Clank! * In Pass & Play matches, the rage track will remember whether each player left it open or closed and automatically change accordingly when moving to that player’s turn. * Heist modifier Healbot’s in-game scoring text should now displays correctly. This was a visual issue only and did not impact actual scores. * Heist modifier descriptions are now easier to read. * Fixed an overlap with the card purchase glow in the mini dungeon row.

11,99 €

Dune: Imperium

Fehlerbehebungen und Verbesserungen.

11,99 €

Munchkin Digital


9,99 €