Obelisk Ascent
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- PREIS: Kostenlos
- WEBSITE: obelliskascent.com
- Gerätetyp: Smartphone, Tablet
- VERSION: 1.02
- STAND: 21.01.2025
"Obelisk Ascent" is a captivating and casual block-stacking game that combines simplicity with a touch of strategy. This game is perfect for players who enjoy a relaxed yet engaging gaming experience with a steady hand and a keen eye for balance.
In "Obelisk Ascent," your objective is to create the tallest possible tower by stacking blocks one on top of another. Each block must be placed carefully to maintain the stability of the tower. As the tower grows higher, the challenge increases, requiring precision and foresight to keep the tower from tipping over.
In "Obelisk Ascent," your objective is to create the tallest possible tower by stacking blocks one on top of another. Each block must be placed carefully to maintain the stability of the tower. As the tower grows higher, the challenge increases, requiring precision and foresight to keep the tower from tipping over.
Übersicht der Chart-Platzierungen von Obelisk Ascent in den Spiele Charts, Arcade-Spiele Charts und Strategiespiele Charts der letzten 7 Tagen.
Nächste Aktualisierung: Heute 12:00 Uhr MEZ.
Bewertung hinzufügen
Altersfreigabe | 17+ |
Sprache | EN |
Alle Kategorien | Spiele, Arcade-Spiele, Strategiespiele |