EE35 Film Camera


Added a restart button after shooting

EE35 film camera simulates a retro mechanical camera around the 1960's.
This camera app is made in Japan.

Basic usage
(1) Pull the film advance lever
(2) Press the shutter

There are two types of film, color and black&white. It's easy to take 12 shots.
Development ends immediately after taking a picture, and the image of the film is also saved.

The timer is about 7 seconds.
Multiple exposure can be done by shutter charge without film advance.

Please enjoy retro camera life.

Übersicht der Chart-Platzierungen von EE35 Film Camera in den Foto und Video Charts der letzten 7 Tagen.
Nächste Aktualisierung: Heute 12:00 Uhr MEZ.

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SprachenEN, JA
Alle KategorienFoto und Video, Dienst­programme

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